NASA Warning! These 5 Things Can Cause A Wide-Scale Collapse…

I hate to say I told you so…

Yet another report by a university research team reviewing NASA data warns of some “end of days” scenarios I’m always talking about.

According to their calculations, we’re in very serious danger of a complete meltdown at any point within the next 5-10 years.

NASA is even trying to distance itself (from its own data!) and downplay the language of the report in order to prevent public panic!

You see, in this report, the researchers explain that every societal collapse in the last 5,000 years has been because of the convergence of five factors… and… 

Here Are 5 Things NASA (Yes, THAT NASA!) Says Could Collapse Life As We Know It…

The Five Things NASA Says Can Cause An APOCALYPSE!

These five factors brought down the most technologically advanced and economically prosperous civilization of their day, including the mighty Roman Empire.

  • Population Increase: It’s a simple truth, but one worth remembering… more people means greater demands on limited resources.
  • Climate Change: Whether you think it’s man-made or not, climate change is always happening… and can have disastrous effects, displacing huge populations, with the Institute For Economics And Peace predicting 1.2 billion climate refugees by 2050.
  • Water Availability: After air it’s the most immediate survival need… and countries are already fighting over water… pushing several nations to the brink of war!
  • Agriculture: Water isn’t just for drinking… it’s also for crops and cattle… and when they’re not being properly watered it impacts the food supply… this isn’t happening in some far off land halfway around the globe, but much closer to home in California and Kansas!
  • Energy Resources: Fossil fuels are another source of conflict between nations as supply decreases and the demand increases… Saudi Arabia is already planning for a post-oil world. 

Now the issue isn’t any one of these five factors exists alone… the problem arises when one or more of them create secondary effects, namely huge economic divides between the “haves” and “have nots” and strains on the natural resources beyond their “carrying capacity.”

In other words, too many people and not enough stuff to go around, with a few people at the top gobbling everything up and the masses at the bottom fighting over the scraps.

Sound familiar?

Worse yet, technology is unlikely to “fix” these problems… in fact, the report says that it might even make them worse by increasing energy consumption.

3 Reasons Why We Know NASA Isn’t “Full Of Bull”

You might not take these warnings seriously… but you should!

NASA is about more than just sticking robots on Mars… they’re also a serious scientific research institute with an eye on the “big picture.”

There are 3 clear signs that there’s at least some merit to their “doom and gloom” predictions.

Reason #1: The Elites Are Prepping For “The End”

Look at what those who “have” are doing right now

Bill Gates is somewhat notoriously buying up as much farmland as he can in the United States.

And he’s not the only one!

Purchasing farmland has also become a bit of trend with NBA superstars and other celebrities who seem to be hedging their bets on the future of civilization.

It’s always important to look at what the rich and powerful are doing… when they seem fearful I pay attention.

Reason #2: The “Water Wars” Have Already Begun!

It’s not in the realm of “science fiction”… it’s already happening today!

The super-wealthy aristocracy of Saudi Arabia is already buying up huge tracts of land – not for oil… but for the WATER that lies underneath!

It gets worse

…,multiple countries are already fighting over the precious resource of water, including…

…Egypt and Ethiopia…

…China and basically all of Southeast Asia…

…and the nuclear-armed nations of Pakistan and India!

Because water is such a valuable and increasingly scarce resource… tensions between nations over water could easily spiral out of control… up to and including nuclear war. 

Reason #3: “Climate Refugees” Are Coming Your Way!

It’s not happening halfway around the world… it’s happening right here and now!

Now you may say “the climate is always changing”… and you’d be right…

…but how are you preparing for those changes and their consequences?

When I say “climate refugee” you probably think of some impoverished person halfway around the world…

…but the United States is already producing climate refugees of its own!

For example…

…only a very small percentage of those impacted by the 2018 Sierra Madre wildfires chose to return home!

That equates to tens of thousands of climate refugees packing up and moving somewhere else.

Add to that the stereotypical “Third World refugees” fleeing climate disasters and… you’re looking at a lot of “new neighbors” competing for scarce resources.

Discover The #1 Problem With Most Preppers’ Plans For A Collapse Scenario

It’s just a fact…

To survive a collapse scenario you need more than just a stockpile of food, water and gear.

Sadly, though, 99.9 percent of preppers… including self-appointed “prepper gurus” with no real experience with real collapse scenarios build the base of their “survival pyramid” with a lot of “stuff.”

There’s a huge problem with centering your preparedness around a giant cache of supplies.

You need to consider how everyone around you is going to start acting when they have no way to feed their families. 

It takes about 3 days for your neighbors… the guys you were knocking back a brewski with at the cookout last weekend… to turn into ravenous raiders, ready to do absolutely anything to feed themselves and their families.

The fact is you need training to prepare you for how to act during a collapse, because your biggest threat is going to be from people who failed to wisely prepare themselves in advance of a collapse.

Lots of people are out there offering “advice”… but they’ve never seen collapse first hand… so all they’re doing is “guessing” at what’s going to happen when the food deliveries stop, the water treatment systems collapse and the sewers start backing up into your living room.

I’ve been in a real collapse scenario and I know how people really act like when things start to go south, with no hope of relief anytime soon.

You don’t need to be a badass Special Forces operator to survive a collapse…

…but you do need to know what to do — not just what to own — when the SHTF.

Which Of These Scenarios Do You Think Is “Most Likely?” Which Are You Not Worried About At All?

Leave Your Thoughts In The Comments Below!


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