NASA Warning! These 5 Things Can Cause A Wide-Scale Collapse…

I hate to say I told you so… Yet another report by a university research team reviewing NASA data warns of some “end of days” scenarios I’m always talking about. According to their calculations, we’re in very serious danger of a complete meltdown at any point within the next 5-10 years. NASA is even trying to distance itself (from its own data!) and downplay the language of the report in order to prevent public panic! You see, in this report , the researchers explain that every societal collapse in the last 5,000 years has been because of the convergence of five factors … and… Here Are 5 Things NASA (Yes, THAT NASA!) Says Could Collapse Life As We Know It… The Five Things NASA Says Can Cause An APOCALYPSE! These five factors brought down the most technologically advanced and economically prosperous civilization of their day, including the mighty Roman Empire. Population Increase: It’s a simple trut...