
Showing posts from September, 2024

A Nation of Rats- Why Your Neighborhood Terrorist Loves Gun Control (Gun Control Puts Government in a Failing Position)

I must start off by saying that walking through the mind of a terrorist with my dainty little feet is no easy task. These individuals are some of the most perverted, disgusting, sad excuses for living beings that we will ever know in this world. But, clearly, they are not stupid. Nevertheless, if we are to put an end to their attempts to ruin our culture, we must understand what they see as our greatest weaknesses and extrapolate how they will move to exploit them. It is my sincere contention that gun control is something terrorists love because it creates a weakness they can exploit at every level of our personal and social existence. I feel, if there is one pet rabid viper of terrorists that we have nursed to our bosom in this society, gun control with its gun grabbing fangs is it. Gun Control Divides People Even though there is no such thing as an issue that everyone agrees on, matters surrounding autonomy and self defense are of major interest to terrorists. Since their goals usual

Safest Places During Martial Law- Our Current Government Plans to Enact Martial Law at Any Moment (The Rules, The Law, And Even Your Rights Wouldn't Matter Anymore. It Would be a Full-fledged Takeover.)

Martial law is a term referred to describe the exercise of military domination on civilian people during a period of emergency or turmoil. It includes the complete suspension of ordinary ordinances and the transfer of power from the civilian population to military forces.   What is the safest place during martial law . Military law is the basic issue of national security and protection. It sometimes encompasses the temporary consolidation of some of the civil liberty and extension of civil authority. During impose martial law, the military forces enforce laws take over all the civilian authority of the government involving the executive, legislative and judicial. The military forces have broader authority to take charge of law and order manage public campaigns, prohibit civil liberty and regulate rules. These measures are typically executed in response to major dangers like rebellion, intrusion, calamities or urgent emergencies that civilian governments will need help managing effectiv

The Global Depression Of Our Lifetime Is Coming! (This is all part of the New World Order and globalization idea pushed by many of the rich elite and world leaders.)

For those professing a preference for one type of government over another, an   ugly reality is they all cut from the same cloth.  Whether we are talking about Democracy,   Communism, Socialism, or Fascism the strong link they share is one of dominance and a desire to control.  While seen as vastly different systems with distinct goals, each is rooted in the promise people should sacrifice as needed for "the greater good." The main flaw in a democracy is that it allows a simple majority to force their desires upon others. This is why our forefathers set checks and balances in the Constitution, however, even these do not guarantee freedom will remain.  Today, the burden of risk and the amount of "skin in the game" is not equally shared by all of society. Over time our financial system and institutions have been corrupted by crony capitalism and a political system that panders to the masses by exchanging favors for baubles.  It could be argued that those in power don&