How A Hero SAS Soldier KILLED 5 Terrorists In 7 Seconds… With A 12-Gauge Shotgun!

“Breach! Breach! Breach!”

The SAS team entered through a doorway into the courtyard in a raid on an ISIS outpost in Baghdad, assault rifles at the ready.

They were immediately met by heavily armed Jihadis… wearing suicide vests filled with plastic explosives and ball bearings.

The terrorists were about to detonate themselves, blowing the SAS team to hell…

…And the lead SAS man didn’t have a rifle.

Armed only with his breaching tool – a 12-gauge shotgun – and somehow moving fast despite the weight of the GIANT BRASS BALLS he was lugging around…

…the SAS soldier raised his weapon and literally DECAPITATED three jihadis with the 12-gauge, firing as fast as John Wick on a caffeine bender.

But the fight, for this incredibly brave SAS commando, was only just starting.

This is the story of…

How A Hero SAS Soldier KILLED 5 Terrorists In 7 Seconds… With A 12-Gauge Shotgun!

Tactical Shooting Training “John Wick” Style

The SAS breach team’s ears were still ringing from the blasts of the lead man’s Menelli M4 Super 90.

The men they had surprised had just finished morning prayers and were loading weapons into a vehicle.

“We now think they were about to carry out an attack,” a military source told the Sun newspaper. “The terrorists were no more than a few feet away when the SAS team came face to face with them.”

That’s when two more jihadishoping to get close enough to blow up the team, appeared from a nearby building.

Running at the breach team, their fingers on the buttons of their suicide vests, they knew they had the Brits dead to rights.

But they hadn’t counted on the point man and his 12-gauge.

He raised his weapon and, faster than I can write it, fired twice more.

“One of the breach team opened fire,” said the source, describing the gunfight later. “It was a case of bang, bang, bang, then bang, bang. It was over in seven seconds.”

That’s right.

The soldier took out 5 men in 7 seconds, and he did it all with the same semi-automatic shotgun that you or I could buy at the local gun store.

When more jihadis responded to the sounds of the shotgun blasts, they immediately surrendered.


Because they realized they were staring at dead men who had no heads and the SAS team was ready to back up their point man.

It’s a fantastic story of our British SAS friends doing what they do well, and taking down the bad guys… but the fact that it was done with a semi-auto shotgun really caught my attention.

This is exactly the kind of gunfighting that I teach in my Extreme Close Quarters Shooting course.

Do you think that SAS point man had time to take careful aim before blasting FIVE men in SEVEN seconds?


He was focused on the threat, as his brain demanded he make fast decisions in order to survive.

He wasn’t focusing on that weapon’s front sight.

He was shooting at close quarters, “no more than a few feet away” from the terrorists in their suicide vests!

If you’re going to survive a real gunfight at close quarters, the situation won’t be quite as extreme as this…

…but it will be no less a life-or-death showdown when some scumbag is trying to shoot or stab you!

If you don’t understand realistic close-quarters gunfighting principles,you’re setting yourself up for a potentially traumatic wake-up call… that could cost you your life!

I know, it sounds like a lot to take in. . . and it is.

If you want to dig deeper on how I train for real attacks, you might want to check out our 7-step “gunfighting” system here…

Just be warned…

I don’t follow popular opinion when it comes to firearms training so some of what you read may actually be the OPPOSITE of what you’ve been taught in the past.

All I ask is that you keep an open mind… and be willing to try something completely new in how you prepare for the reality of a street attack.

Now, will you really be “John Wick” by the time you’re done?

I don’t think anybody could promise that… but then, John Wick is only a movie.

Life-or-death gunfights are, sadly, terrifyingly real… and this course will give you the tools to survive them.

That’s what we’re all after, right?

What Do YOU Think Is The Most Critical Part Of A Gunfight?

Share Your Best Advice With Us Now…


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