9 Major Risks of a Cashless Society (In A Cashless Society, Theft Will Occur On Line And In Far Larger Amounts Than Cash Heists!)

The cashless society is a necessary step in preparation for the mark of the beast.

The mark of the beast, btw, is a concept based on a couple of short passages from The Revelation (end of chapter 13 and start of chapter 14), which say that there will eventually be a one world government just before Jesus returns, and the spiritual leader of that government will cause people everywhere to get a mark put in their right hand or in their forehead, without which they will not be able to buy or sell.

What we have used for centuries for buying and selling is cash (or checks). We have also progressed to credit cards.

So all of these would need to be replaced with the mark, in order for the prophecy to come true.


  1. 1°) Paper money and coins were created, the value of which has NEVER been backed by gold!
    But there are more people! So: more money. Yes but... the volume of gold has not increased!! (cube 21 m edge)... nor its price!! HAHAHAHA!

    2°) So electric money has arrived! Wow! Your account can be emptied in O.00001 seconds!! “You will have NOTHING and will be happy!”

    1. Translation of "You will own nothing, and be happy".

      We will steal all your property, kidnap your children, and drug you so that you think you are happy.

  2. Everything you list is a risk now because of corrupt authorities. CBDC will just make it instantaneous because everything will be on your phone. No more interaction with the authorities, because we have a chance of encountering a person that isn't corrupt.

    All issues will be blamed on AI. AI will be the pretext for all manner of restrictions placed upon CBDC.

    What you don't mention in your article is that CBDC is programmable to restrict based on any number of physical parameters, like location, distance, product being purchased, etc.
    They won't have to arrest you, they will just lock you out of the beast system.


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