5 Safest Places During Martial Law (During martial law, the constitution, your civil rights, and any other existing laws may be suspended, so do what you think is necessary to retain some sort of justice and control over your own life and safety.)

First take a look at one of the most shocking videos in the world! This video actually shows us what the secret of the Trump family is related to their expressive health!!! – FULL VIDEO HERE The term martial law is a scary one to most people. It conjures up images of military lockdowns, armed and guarded checkpoints, regular inspections and the loss of rights. Most freedom loving people are likely right to be apprehensive about even the suggestion that martial law could be implemented. With the state of the world today, owing to increasing government overreach globally at all levels of society and ever widening cultural and ideological gulfs, some are convinced it is only a matter of time until the unthinkable happens here at home. That will definitely be a game changer. Gone will be civilian leadership at the local level. The police will no longer be truly in charge of law enforcement. Instead, the military will take over both, with everything that that entails. I believe even the mos...