The Fallout From A Nuclear War Cannot Be Discounted- This Coming War Won’t be Fought With Tanks And Infantry Like The First Two…

The fallout that would come from a nuclear war should not be discounted. Only by facing the ugly reality of such an event can we be motivated to make sure it never happens. This is a subject so appalling most of us avoid thinking about a nuclear attack in realistic terms. Other than seeing such horrific scenes in movies few of us can envision how the world would be immediately transformed following such an event. (Also watch this video- FEMA Emergency Alert! Hidden Terrible Situations Exposed- Watch the video below to find out the most shocking details!!!)

It seems that warmongers may not be taking to heart the implications of their actions. Rest assured many of the perpetrators of such an event, and those they love would be tucked away in their bunkers safe from harm with visions of resurfacing in positions of power when things calm down. If you think the picture I paint is too grim, the sad thing is you may need to give the situation a bit more thought.

Around 15,000 Nuclear Bombs Exist
Around 15,000 nuclear bombs exist today and almost all of them are many times more powerful than the ones unleashed at the end of World War II.  They target large and important areas and once launched the missiles that deliver these bombs move fast. This means people will have little or no time to prepare for their arrival.

Few of us want to delve into the idea that all the things we perceive as normal and good could vanish in the blink of an eye. The fallout we would be forced to deal with would not be limited to only the nuclear kind falling from the sky. It would include the impact of such an event on society. Simply put, imagine the unimaginable. Even before we deal with death and destruction other issues emerge. The one thing few will argue is that it would create a degree of chaos far beyond anything most of us have ever experienced.

It is difficult to imagine the fear that would be generated if even the power of one of these bombs is unleashed. People would scurry out of areas that were considered possible targets like rats leaving a sinking ship. Unfortunately, it is difficult to scurry over clogged roadways. This is when the realization would dawn upon people rushing to move themselves and their families to safety that such places are few and far apart. 

This is where "rubber would meet the road" or things be put to the test. Some people would without thinking risk life and limb for others or a family pet, while others would think only of themselves. Knowing it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the rest, with little accountability, I expect man's inhumanity to man would quickly surface. It would be wise to expect ugly acts of selfishness too far outnumber those of kindness. (Also watch this video- Food Confiscation: How to protect your food stores and production from government confiscation)

Places Where It Might Be Safe To Go
We need to feed into this scenario that it is likely stores will not reopen in the following weeks. Where would they get workers? Also, what is the likelihood of shipments coming in to restock shelves? The same should be expected when it comes to all utilities. Not only water and electricity but even the flow of natural gas would stop. The combination of damage, few skilled workers reporting to their jobs, and general chaos create a grim picture of a post-nuclear war world. 

Not only are we looking at shortages and a total breakdown of the supply chain we must consider the fact much of society would most likely adopt a "survival of the fittest" attitude. This would rapidly become apparent as carjackings soared, looting exploded, and guns come out. As far as getting medical help, expect that to be nonexistent. Adding to the misery of those that survive will be the radiation flowing from nuclear plants that could not be shut down and the weather which in many areas tends to run either too cold or too hot through much of the year.

Guessing the odds of a nuclear bomb exploding above our heads is not easily done. If you happen to be close to such a blast, it would be a moot point in that you would not even have time to say, "Oh shit!" The heat would instantly turn you to toast sparing you the agony of having to deal with the fallout or suffering a slow painful death.  

Most of us do not have access to a fully stocked bomb shelter and if we did, there is no guarantee we could get to it. While moving to an area out in the middle of nowhere and stocking up on supplies that would spoil over time is the best way to improve your chance of survival, it is not something most people are willing or choose to do considering this may never happen. 

The article above describes and touches on just a few of the hellish things we could encounter in the following a post-apocalypse event. With this in mind, it would be wise to create a plan to survive the aftermath if that is your goal. Such a plan would not only greatly enhance your chance of surviving but make life more comfortable than if you leave things totally to chance. 

The video below is simply shocking… Because not even Trump or Putin expect such a thing!!!

This Could Kick-Start World War 3 Fellow Patriot

Our country is headed to a Nuclear World War 3

And we are NOT prepared for it…

This coming war won’t be fought with tanks and infantry like the first two…


  1. Please conduct some actual research and don't further the hyperbole on nuke webs. As per the Salt 1&2 and Start treaties Russia and USA are allowed ~5000 warheads a piece of which only 1500 can be operationally active. ~1700 are out for maintenance since high explosives degrade, tritium triggers need replacement due to 12 year half lives and printed circuit boards get 'whiskers' that can short out and a myriad of other necessary work. Another 1800 on each side are being retired which are treaty enforced. The specifics of the treaties determine the 'throw weight', a factor of weapon yield and delivery vehicle size which has led us back to more kiloton warheads than megatons. When I was on a ballistic sub in the 1980's we had 70,000 warheads pointed at each other many of which were thermonuclear megaton weapons. This is not the case today and you can find this data on several sites; US Nuclear posture review (NPR), NNSA, Union of concerned scientists and many others. Then we're assuming that all 1500 are targeted at each other and will work when launched. Given the current state of our woke military that's not a good bet. We have tested >500 atmospheric megaton weapons since the 1940's and we're all still here to tell the tale. Many more kiloton weps have been tested in the atmosphere bathing us in Cesium 137, Strontium 90 and other nuclides. Sure these particles 'last thousands of years' but you'd need a multichannel analyzer to detect them. I worry a lot more about Roundup in my food. We need more real science in our discourse, not hysteria.

  2. @ 1:01 in the video:
    >>... "If World War III were to break out in this decade, it would be between two sides. One would be a democratic alignment led by the United States. The other would be an authoritarian group of countries led by China and centered mostly in the interior of the Eurasian landmass."

    Really? The United States is essentially "democratic" and NOT "authoritarian"?
    That's where I stopped watching the video. If they can't even get it right for a minute and a half, I need not watch any further.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'


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